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HARIKOA’s Matching Adventures

4.2 ( 4512 ratings )
ألعاب الممرات لغز
المطور: Jean-Sebastien Lange

"HARIKOAs Matching Adventure" is a new exciting kind of Matching game, with an Arcade gameplay. Get it NOW! Youll love it!

HARIKOA is the name of our hero, a funny and uplifting Maori balloon. And he needs your help to move forward on this unique puzzle adventure, a kind of initiatory journey for him.


The game has a kind of hand-drawn car­toon style: each play screen/mis­sion is built un­der your eyes, and once ful­ly drawn, it be­comes an­i­mat­ed and playable :)
HARIKOA needs your help to move up to the finish line of each mission.
To help him move up, you have to match sim­i­lar bal­loons (same col­or or same glyphs), in or­der to re­cy­cle them. This makes space for HARIKOA to move up, and en­ables oth­er bal­loons move up too, to progress in the ad­ven­ture.
Re­cy­cling is the key to move for­ward!

Bal­loons who are re­cy­cled do not die. They only die when they are de­stroyed by a vi­lain, like pol­lu­tion for ex­am­ple.


The num­ber of moves you can do per mis­sion is lim­it­ed, and shown on the Re­cy­cling gauge on the top of your play screen: you need to help HARIKOA cross the fin­ish line, be­fore the gauge is emp­ty.
You also have a Timer gauge on the top of your screen, and if you ac­com­plish the mis­sion be­fore it is emp­ty, you re­ceive bonus points.
The mis­sions of­ten com­bine sev­er­al chal­lenges, de­tailed in the gauges which ap­pear­. Just re­mem­ber to com­plete all chal­lenges of the mis­sion, be­fore HARIKOA cross­es the fin­ish line.
At the end of each mis­sion, all the bal­loons you have re­cy­cled are con­vert­ed into re­cy­cling points. You can use these re­cy­cling points in the Re­cy­cling Fac­to­ry, to im­prove the Su­per Bal­loons spe­cif­ic pow­ers.


There are many dif­fer­ent types of bal­loons, in­clud­ing sev­er­al Su­per Bal­loons with spe­cif­ic pow­ers, which you will dis­cov­er along the way :)
When you make a se­lec­tion of 4 or more com­pat­i­ble bal­loons, 1 or more bal­loons on the play screen be­come Star bal­loons, which give you more re­cy­cling points.
Along the way, you will also meet VAHINE, HARIKOAs girl­friend, with her Tiare flower on the ear ;) HARIKOA and VAHINE want to be to­geth­er, so they pre­fer to wait for each oth­er on the play screen, in­stead of go­ing up alone, and you will need to in­te­grate this in your strat­e­gy ;)


The world of TE AORE is con­sti­tut­ed of 7 King­doms.
Each King­dom has its unique en­vi­ron­ment and spir­it, its spe­cif­ic rules, and is home to a Su­per Bal­loon, who has its own su­per­pow­ers.

Each of the 7 King­doms comes with:
- An ex­cit­ing and unique mul­ti play­er mode, which en­ables you to play HARIKOA with a near­by friend, on 2 de­vices, via WIFI Di­rect (In­ter­net not need­ed).
- 19 chal­leng­ing mis­sions to com­plete, where re­cy­cling is the key :) Get more and more re­cy­cling points to im­prove the Su­per Bal­loons!
- A unique chal­lenge mode against the de­vice, which is un­locked once you have ac­com­plished all the mis­sions for the King­dom.

The first part of the ad­ven­ture is FREE of charge, to en­able you get a feel­ing :) To con­tin­ue, an in app pur­chase process al­lows you to pur­chase new king­doms.


The Re­cy­cling Fac­to­ry is where you can use the re­cy­cling points you gained while play­ing, to im­prove the pow­ers of the Su­per Bal­loons, and make them evolve.
Choos­ing which Su­per Bal­loon to im­prove is strate­gic, and this will make things more fun and add an ap­peal­ing fla­vor to your game ex­pe­ri­ence along the way :)!
En­joy :) !
Re­cy­cling had nev­er been that fun :) !


This game was born on a sail­boat, trav­el­ling around the world, and is in­spired by Poly­ne­sia and its cul­ture. It as­pires to up­lift your spir­its, cheer­ful­ly chal­lenge your brain, and make eco­log­i­cal con­scious­ness pleas­ing :)
And it is re­al­ly en­ter­tain­ing and fun!